Cloth Baby Wipes Solution

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Skip the chemicals, and use this easy DIY cloth baby wipes solution instead. Cloth wipes are an easy, natural solution.

cloth baby wipes solution

Cloth baby wipes solution

Babies can be a lot of work. That’s definitely no secret. And, sometimes it can feel like making more natural choices means more effort. That can be true in some cases, but it doesn’t have to be that way with everything.

I really think that cloth diapers and wipes can be streamlined and quite easy. I share my entire cloth diaper setup and wash routine on my blog, and you can read about it here.

If you’re looking for the best diaper rash cream recipe, you’ll definitely want to give this recipe a try. And if you’re looking for the best baby moisturizer ever (which also happens to double as a cloth diaper safe diaper cream) you certainly need to know how to make tallow balm.

One of the easiest natural choices when it comes to baby care is what wipes you choose to use. Sure, it’s very easy to grab a package of store bought wipes and use them. But it really isn’t any harder to reach for some reusable cloth wipes and a bottle of cloth baby wipes solution.

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Easy DIY cloth baby wipes solution #clothdiapers #clothwipes #nontoxic #natural #baby

I love cloth as a wipe alternative 

In my cloth diaper routine blog post, I talk about how much I like cloth diapers. They save money, and they work really well! Cloth will always win when it comes to holding in blowouts.

Cloth wipes also work so much better than disposable ones. They’re just so much more effective at cleaning. And again, you save money by buying them once and reusing them over and over.

Traditional baby wipes seem convenient, but when you look at the cost financially and the toll on the environment, I knew that I wanted to find an alternative. For me, that meant using cloth as a wipe alternative. 

I talk about why it’s important to choose the most natural products for our skin in this blog post. When it comes to babies, who are smaller and even more sensitive, it’s even more important to avoid toxins. 

Keep reading to learn my cloth baby wipe solution recipe…

What are the ingredients for making a cloth baby wipes solution?

One of the best parts of this cloth baby wipe solution is how little ingredients you actually need in order to make it! 

First, you will create a concentrate- which is simply some jojoba oil and gentle essential oils. 

Next, add a small amount of that concentrate to a spray bottle filled with witch hazel. 

Seriously, that’s it. Keep scrolling to see the exact directions…

easy DIY cloth baby wipes solution

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Cloth baby wipes solution directions



  1. Fill a 4 oz. glass bottle with jojoba oil and 12 drops of essential oils.
  2. Shake to combine well.
  3. Add 1 tsp of jojoba oil mixture to another 4 oz. glass bottle with a spray top.
  4. Fill the spray bottle the rest of the way with witch hazel.
  5. Shake spray bottle before each use.
  6. Use jojoba oil concentrate and additional witch hazel to make more spray as needed.

Babies are sensitive

I’ve talked a lot on my blog about how it is so important to only use the safest skincare and personal care products. That is even more crucial when it comes to babies! Their bodes are so much smaller than ours, and they are growing and developing at a very fast rate. All of this makes them more susceptible to harm from toxic chemicals (source).

Knowing this makes me want to be extra careful about what I use on my babies. And, having something this easy to mix up and grab makes it a breeze to give my babies the very best care.

How to use essential oils for babies

This can be a controversial topic. I personally like to follow the directions for essential oil use and safety from Plant Therapy, and use them only very sparingly on babies.

In the concentrate, I use 12 drops total of essential oils in a 4 oz. container of carrier oil. Since 1 tsp of the concentrate is used in the finished bottle of spray solution, it ends up being an extremely gentle solution when it is finally used on baby’s skin.

Of course, it really matters which essential oils you use on babies, too! Some are definitely not safe, and others are. Again, I like to stick to Plant Therapy’s recommendation, and only use oils that are designated by them as being kid safe on babies and children.

For this cloth baby wipes solution, I like using a blend of lavender, chamomile, mandarine, and tangerine.

Is witch hazel with alcohol drying?

Sometimes I get questions about the fact that I like to use witch hazel. People want to know if it is okay to use witch hazel that has alcohol in it.

I recommend going with what you feel comfortable with, but I personally have no problem using witch hazel that has a little bit of alcohol in it. When it is used in combination with the other ingredients, it is very soothing and even moisturizing, and I have never had any issues with it being harsh or drying at all.

When I look for witch hazel to use for cloth baby wipes solution, I look for an organic witch hazel, without a bunch of extra ingredients, like this one.

Pro tips

Despite the fact that this solution is super simple, I have picked up a few pro tips along the way to help you get the most out of your spray!

While keeping a stash of cloth wipes and spray bottle near the diaper changing area is super easy, I recently came up with an even easier way to use cloth wipes: I put the wipes into a large wet bag like this one, and dampen them all with the cloth baby wipes solution at one time.

I keep the bag sealed, which keeps the wipes damp. Whenever I need a wipe, all I have to do is open the bag and grab one. So easy!

DIY cloth baby wipes solution

 Benefits of using cloth wipes

Using cloth wipes has a ton of benefits, I really cannot recommend them enough. Here are the reasons I think all parents should use cloth wipes: 

  1. You will save a lot of money. Disposable wipes are used once then you toss them, meaning you will be buying a few packages every month until your baby is completely potty trained- that will end up costing you hundreds! 
  2. You will have a better environmental impact. By using reusable items, you are keeping trash out of the landfills and reducing your carbon footprint. 
  3. You are keeping harsh chemicals away from your baby. With new skin and a rapidly growing little one, babies are more susceptible to toxin exposure. Help reduce their exposure with homemade organic baby solutions like this one. 

What are the best cloth wipes?

When it comes to cloth wipes, I prefer to use 100% organic cotton cloth wipes on my baby’s skin. Avoiding the high amount of chemicals in conventionally grown cotton is important to me. 

My go-to brand are these reusable cotton wipes from Green Mountain Diapers

How to store cloth wipes

When storing cloth wipes, I like to keep them in a specific area near the solution spray and the diapers. It just makes things easier! 

You want to keep them in a dry, clean area like a drawer in your changing table or a basket that sits on top. That way, you can take care of any emergency diaper messes and keep the wipes away from other uses around the house. 

How to care for cloth wipes?

Once a diaper wipe is used, I like to toss them into the wet bag that the rest of the cloth diapers go into, and wash everything together. I dry the wipes along with the cloth diapers as well.

How long does this cloth baby wipes solution last?

The cloth baby wipe solution spray in this article will last up to 12 months as far as shelf life, but be aware that you will probably end up using it all up long before then!

Newborns usually have more frequent diaper changes than older babies, but I find that a batch of this wipes solution lasts me about 3-4 months on average. 

With multiple diaper changes a day, you will quickly see how effective and helpful this cloth baby wipes solution is.  

Cloth baby wipes solution video

More on baby care

How to wash cloth diapers

The best diaper rash cream recipe

How to make tallow balm

Pure tallow soap recipe

DIY lotion recipe

Have you made any DIY organic baby care products?

What have you made? Let me know in the comments!

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Jojoba oil, organic

Witch hazel, organic

Plant Therapy essential oil blend

Glass bottles

Wet bag

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Thanks for stopping by! Be well! 🐝

If you make this recipe and love it, please give it 5 stars! Also, tag me on Instagram @bumblebeeapothecary

Yield: 4 fl. oz.

Cloth Baby Wipes Solution

cloth baby wipes solution

Skip the chemicals, and use this easy DIY cloth baby wipes solution instead. Cloth wipes are an easy, natural solution.

Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes


  • 4 fl. oz. jojoba oil
  • 12 drops essential oils (baby safe only; I like a blend of lavender, chamomile, mandarine, and tangerine)
  • 4 fl. oz. witch hazel


  1. Fill a 4 oz. glass bottle with jojoba oil and 12 drops of essential oils.
  2. Shake to combine well.
  3. Add 1 tsp of jojoba oil mixture to another 4 oz. glass bottle with a spray top.
  4. Fill the spray bottle the rest of the way with witch hazel.
  5. Shake spray bottle before each use.
  6. Use jojoba oil concentrate and additional witch hazel to make more spray as needed.

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